Athletic boosters purchase new TV’s for athletics
October 23, 2015
New technology has been added to North with the addition of two new flat screen TV’s. The TV’s belong to the athletic department for efforts to ease the flow of information.
“[The TV’s] will allow students and staff announcements easier,” said Ron Lear, Athletic Director, “For example, a few weeks ago when we had to cancel many sport practices and move the football game to Saturday, instead of make many announcements, we could have made one and put the rest up on the screens.”
According to Lear the Athletic Boosters financed the TV’s.
“We couldn’t do a lot of the things we do with out the support the boosters provide us with,” said Lear.
The athletic hallway features many photos from all sports in the school; hopefully the screens can aide in featuring more student athletes.
“We hope to be able to put videos and photos up on the screen from the most recent events,” said Lear.
The TV’s can let athletes know when the next game is or when they need to be on a bus for an away event. Not only are the screens useful for students, they can help direct outside visitors during tournaments, said Lear.