Chicago mayor should resign in wake of police cover up

Kendrick Kuschel, Staff Writer

In this country, there is a growing sense of mistrust toward the people who lead us. People constantly accuse people like the police, their state representatives, and even President Obama, of suppressing their freedoms and actually trying to make the general public not succeed. One of the major reasons why this mistrust this running rapid in America, is the recent uproar of police shooting innocent people and getting away with it.

Incidents like Ferguson and the deaths of Trayvon Martin and Eric Garner have generated protest. But most recently, the event that has caused the most heat is the shooting of Laquan McDonald in the city of Chicago. Last year, McDonald was shot 16 times in the middle of the street, because some police officer thought he had a knife and was charging towards him, even though he was holding a black iPhone and in the Dash Cam you can clearly see that McDonald was walking away from police.

Many people are upset by the events, and even more people are madder that it took 13 months to put the cops who shot McDonald to go to trial. But one of the most maddening things of this entire ordeal, is how Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel has reacted to the entire thing. Many people have accused the mayor of covering up the entire shooting to not make him seem bad in the voters eyes during the election the following February.

When the shooting happened in October 2014, Emanuel and the city of Chicago refused to release the Dash cam footage because it might give bias to anyone who sees it. Well yeah, it would give people bias, considering the video was of a black teenager, with barely a hair on his chin, and he got shot 16 times in the back. It is pretty obvious that he was just trying not to make the police department look bad, because if the Chicago police department looks bad, he would look bad because he is the one who hired them. And if he looks bad in the eyes of the public, guess what, this power-hungry maniac is not running Chicago, and he just can’t have that, can he?

Emanuel has done some of the shadiest stuff when it comes to this McDonald Shooting, including blaming the increase of crime on protests about corrupt police, and throwing everyone under the bus just to stroke his inflated ego.

When all of this dirty laundry was displayed for all of Chicago to see, and Chicagoans started to see that their mayor is as corrupt as a character in a Martin Scorsese film, Emanuel thought it would be a good idea to apologize to the Chicago public.

“If we’re going to fix it, I want you to understand it’s my responsibility with you. But if we’re going to begin the healing process, the first step in that journey is my step, and I’m sorry,” Emanuel said during his 40-minute address.

The people of Chicago did not bite on his fake apology. In fact, it just made the public angrier. Protesters marched through downtown Chicago for nearly 6 hours after the apology, demanding Emanuel’s registration.

It is kind of obvious that the city of Chicago is not the best place to be right now, and it is also kind of obvious that Rahm Emanuel is just adding wood to the fire with all that he has done.  He is the directory definition of corrupt. Until we eliminate this corrupt tumor from the city of Chicago and no one solves this shooting situation, the city will burn down faster than it did in 1871 during the great Chicago fire.