As September has come to an end, that means the first week of the National Football League (NFL) is a month through. With 32 teams in the NFL, families and crowds pack together to watch every Sunday, Monday and Thursday rooting for their team. However, the real game being played is the fantasy football leagues created by fans.
Fantasy football leagues were created in 1962 and continue to grow year by year, roping in more and more participants. The idea and concept behind fantasy football is for an individual to create their ideal team, from selecting a line up of different football players from different teams to compete against another individual team. The concept itself seems cliche, but commonly, the prize at the end is cash.
The NFL season takes on a whole new fan base besides an average football fan but rather the pressure of knowing many fans are betting on a player or team’s every move, touchdown, interception, flag, win or lose.
“Being able to bet on the individual players you picked or the team you’ve created is both exhilarating and nerve wracking since most of the time you really are putting your money on the line,” fantasy football participant Arthur Gneuhs said. “Knowing when to take a bet on a player’s touchdown probability of being over or under does leave you edge most of the game.”
The league commonly runs through a host or creator and others being invited to compete with one another. Many companies, businesses, families, and friends all use this time of year to compete with one another, whether that’s for a cash jackpot or bragging rights. The fantasy of building the dream team of NFL players seems to draw in many individuals.
“It’s honestly so exciting getting to build your own dream team in a way, especially since I love watching football,” senior Nick Powell said. “I always feel like coaching a team would be extremely fun, it’s even more exciting when your team actually does well and you win in your league.”
Though the concept is all fun and games, to some, this is as close as they will get to feeling like a coach of an actual NFL team. The frustration, research, effort and time that goes into picking a team pushes some emotional boundaries for many, leaving tensions high.
“I really never understood fantasy football and why so many guys took it so seriously,” junior Jada Emeto said. “My boyfriend and his friends take it extremely seriously from planning draft meetings to dedicating an entire group chat to the fantasy football league they have created.”
As many across the country stare at that screen every Sunday, Monday, and Thursday to watch their team, they are also watching their fantasy team made up of different players from different NFL teams with the pressure of a true NFL coach (so it seems). According to Statista, “As of 2022, 29.2 million players in the United States participated in fantasy football, making it the most-played U.S. fantasy sport by a significant margin.”
Fantasy has a grasp on the NFL unlike any other sport. Many other sports consist of these fantasy systems and bets; however, no sport tops the phenomenon of the NFL football season.
“The NFL and Fantasy football is an entirely different world compared to any other sport,” senior Brad Ellinghaus said. “It’s truly the one sport I think so many people are both passionate about and come together on; I mean look at all the countless Sunday night football watch parties.”
While fantasy football seems all fun, at times, this can become the ruins of some participants’ pockets, mood, and even relationships. The competitiveness that Americans have adopted with these fantasy football leagues are both concerning and entertaining.
“Fantasy football season is probably the most competitive me and my friends get,” fantasy football participant Gneuhs said. “Last year, one friend of mine lost and had to post an embarrassing TikTok everyday, one getting thousands of views and comments from brand names like Dick’s Sporting Goods.”