“Moana 2,” a sequel Disney animation film to “Moana,” hit theaters nationwide on Nov. 27, bringing one more thing to be thankful for this season.
Directed by David Derick Jr, Dana Ledux Miller, and Jason Hand, the movie is perfectly created to reach audiences of all ages; though rated PG, this movie touched a larger audience beyond a child to the hearts of many adults. The message – never giving up no matter how lost you may feel, there is always another way out of dark times – leaves many viewers in tears as they exit the theater amazed, reigniting an adult’s childhood in an hour and forty minutes.
Viewers are brought on a journey with Moana as she is in search of other voyagers. Life for her home island of Motunui and those she loves most is in danger and in the fate of her hands. Viewers are brought along this roller coaster of emotions and worry that this might be the end for Moana. The film’s utilization of impactful scenes from Moana’s speeches with her ancestors to the animation and pace of the journeys she faces throughout the film creates meaning in each frame.
Facing challenge after challenge and one adversity after another, Moana and the viewers are reminded there is always another way to the end no matter how difficult the situation may seem. As Moana is faced with a new villain by the name of Nalo. Struggling to defeat Nalo, Moana encounters many difficult obstacles but also encounters individuals that help her discover that she is capable of whatever it is she sets her mind to.
(Name) reminds Moana, and viewers, that it is okay to go off path or not have a plan and just trust in yourself and trust in one’s ability to “get lost.” Many are touched by the authenticity of this, as it is difficult to understand what comes next in life, and there isn’t always a direct path. But there’s peace and certainty in getting lost for a while because there will always be a way out.
Throughout the film, viewers take on a toll of emotions as Moana voyages to save her island, and nobody believed that it would cost her life. Moana pushed herself beyond limits, the limits even Maui, DemiGod of the wind and sea, believed she wasn’t capable of reaching. Fighting the strongest monster of all Nalo with Maui by her side not even his powers could vice Nalo. As viewers watch Maui’s powers and life fade, the tension of believing this is the end for Moana and her village fills the audience with an eerie silence. However, Moana decides to take it upon herself to save the lost island of Nalo on her own.
Moana saving the island brought tears to viewers not for her bravery or sacrifice but that she laid on the island surrounded by the ocean, lifeless. Maui and her ancestors surround Moana as they sing Manu Vavau, and a light of life fills the ocean, bringing Moana back to life and relieving all stress and tension that filled theaters. Rewarded for her bravery and sacrifice for breaking the curse, Moana is honored by her ancestors and becomes a DemiGod.
Though Moana faced many struggles and challenges that seemed to have no solution with no direct path, she was able to trust herself and go beyond her limits and what she believed she was capable of. The message to viewers of all ages is to go beyond your limits because there won’t be a path but to explore. You must get lost in the unknown possibilities.